Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jan 30, classic

It was kind of mean, actually.  A foot of fresh pow fell on Snoqualmie Pass on Monday, but on Tuesday and Wednesday it rained and rained and rained, with standing water on the road and avalanche control closures.  Maybe that's why the participation was way down this week, because the precipitation was way up, but the skiing turned out to be delicious: with temps in the upper 30s and a heavy mist that sparkled in our Mystical Cones of Headlamp Happiness, the snow was sleek and fast and wet, like a sea otter.  Zeroes worked, fishscales worked, and red klister sort of worked.  It was a gorgeous soft night of skiing!

And speaking of Headlamp Happiness, I got to test-drive one of the new Petzl headlamps that Peter Boveng is bringing up for demo-ing.  The verdict?  I want one.  And I want it now.  They are amazing.  There is a substantial, long-lasting lithium battery, rechargeable on your computer, that sits on the back of your head, but the strapping system is so well-designed and comfortable that you don't even know it's there.  The on-off button is a nicely engineered toggle that's easy to maneuver with your gloves on (and you can lock it so it doesn't accidentally turn on in your pack), and the beam of light is as wide and bright as you could ever want.  But the cool thing about this particular model, which is called the Nao (say "now"), is how it figures out how dark it is in front of you and adjusts the brightness magically by itself.  At first I thought it was a gimmick, but it is actually awesome: when you get to a long hill, or a dark corner, or better yet, a dark corner at the bottom of a long hill, you can tilt your head back an inch and all of a sudden it's like the floodlights came on and the entire forest is lit up!  Who thought of this?  And how did we manage without it before they thought of it?  (And what do the owls think about it?)  Peter is bringing several of these lamps up to the cabin every Wednesday night, so find him and grab one and give it a test.  We may be able to give away some discount certificates, or maybe even some lamps, at the end-of-season party.  Did I already mention how much I want one for my very own?

Next week: skating.  Good luck to everyone going to the Konig Ludwig Lauf and the Chicks on Sticks!

Two Laps
Join Fewster 42 16.34
Peter Boveng 54 16.38
Richard Clung 47 16.50
Jonathan Loeffler 27 17.43  (all double pole)
Don Brooks 62 20.02
John Outterson 42 20.35
Jim Slyfield 55 20.40
Dale Bohm 54 19.51
Debbie Kolp 59 29.04
One Lap
Jay Wyatt 26 8.25
Jordan Guzale 18 8.49
Fin Terlin 16 10.00
Oliver Isik 17 10.12
Benjamin Cape 15 12.02
Just Skiin'
Brad Bauer
Kent Murdoch
Douglas Holtan
Brian Dumais
Kirsten Wysen
Ryan Jones-Casey
Kelsey Jones-Casey
Sean Brown
4 Seattle Academy students
4 Bush School students

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan 23, Skate

Snowy snowy night ... snowy slippery drive up to the pass, snowy-but-plowed parking lot, snowy upper-20s temperatures, thick heavy snow on the trail, thick fluffy snow falling in our Mystical Cones of Headlamp Happiness. What a gorgeous night to be out skiing in the dark! It was a skating night, but the classic skiing was also glorious, especially after the track was skied in a little bit, and especially for someone who got to test-drive a pair of Jon Fewster's beautifully light and responsive Madshus Zeroes--perfect grip in the tracks, smooth-as-butter tracking down the hills and around the corners--and fell in love with them. The skiing was so wonderful, we hated to stop and go inside the cabin until we realized we were hungry and tomorrow was a work day. If you're not coming up here and skiing with us, why not?

Next week: classic. Good luck to everyone heading to the Methow Pursuit or the Marcialonga!

Two Laps
Kent Murdoch 51 14.28
Doug Reid 44 15.30
Jon Fewster 42 15.55
Chris Fast 46 16.17
John Outterson 42 16.20
Matt Sheeks 29 17.08
Jim Slyfield 55 19.06
Dale Bohm 54 19.51
Max Limb 67 20.02
James West 44 21.01
Ian Whyte 50 21.10
Jeff Clark 59 23.30
Joy Cordell 57 24.18
Debbie Kolp 59 32.44 (classic)
One Lap
Camille Moore 14 11.00
Just Skiin'
Jonathan Loeffler
John O'Brien
Brian Palm
Bonnie Loshbaugh
Alex Ingerman
17 Bush School kids

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jan 16, Classic

I was trapped at work while the rest of you skied, but Peter sent me this succinct, yet somehow poetic, report of conditions:
Skiing was good. Rather fast, slightly icy tracks. Pretty, slender moon.
The Petzl NAO (pronounced like "now") lamps are turning out to be quite the hit. They're lightweight, with bright and even lighting that adjusts instantly and as needed whenever you shift your gaze; for example, from the tracks just ahead to a point off in the distance. Testers have been saying things like, "Best headlamp I've ever used!"
Good luck to everyone doing the klister-heaven that will be the Gunnar Hagen this weekend -- don't forget to pre-register!  Next week, skating.

Two Laps
Brad Bauer 39 13.58
Jon Fewster 42 15.07
John Outterson 42 17.35 (all double pole)
Christopher Fast 46 17.41
Gilles Mougel 58 19.45
Mona Deprey 46 20.01
Max Limb 67 20.14
Dale Bohm 54 21.58
Jeff Clark 59 23.27
Ian Whyte 50 23.50
Joy Cordell 57 29.00
Sarah Phillips 42 31.00
Kirsten Wysen 48 33.30
Just Skiin'
Glenn Wysen
Jeff McGrew
Peter Boveng
Jonathan Loeffler
Douglas Holtan
18 Bush kids, loving the klister!

Jan 9, Skate

Oops, I lost the report, but I saved the results and that's what's important.

Two Laps
Brad Bauer 39 13.00
James Evans 44 14.53
Christopher Fast 46 15.20
Jon Fewster 42 15.42
Peter Boveng 54 15.47
Doug Reid 44 16.10
John Outterson 42 16.34
Jim Wood 30 16.49
Egor Klevak 28 17.10
Jim Cahill 50 18.33
Jeff McGrew 53 19.08
Dan B 62 19.10
Brian Palm 53 19.25
Jeff Clark 59 19.45
Jason Cross 41 20.58
Ian Whyte 50 21.10
Peter Turcan 55 21.45
Heidi Wood 28 22.40
Diana Yuen 30 28.00
Debbie Kolp 59 31.44 (classic)
Kirsten Wysen 48 32.30 (classic)
Gina Jackson 43 35.09
One Lap
Jonathan Loeffler 27 7.30
Anthony Evans 13 8.27
Sean Brown 16 10.10
Alexi 15 11.18
Andreas Garcia 17 11.18
Camille Moore 14 11.18
Cooper Jackson 11 12.37
Delaney Jackson 7 16.48
Just Skiin'
Sharon Chen
Glenn Wysen
15 Bush Kids

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Speaking of headlamps ...

Awesome news from Peter Boveng, who has scored a sweet deal with headlamp-maker Petzl!

There will be three demo headlamps at the cabin all season long on Wednesday nights, that you can sign out and test while you're skiing.  Check in with Peter to get signed up.  Petzl will also be providing prizes for our end-of-the-season party! 

Thanks, Peter, and thank you, Petzl!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Charged Up?

Headlamp racing at Cabin Creek starts this Wednesday.  See you there!